About us / Ally

Nicole Cottrell

Nicole Cottrell

I’m a lover and a fighter. Frustrated by all the homogeneous, status quo book lists out there, I finally decided to do something about it. In addition to founding Stories of Color and curating its catalog, I’m a biracial, happily married, formerly blogging, homeschooling mom of three, in love with Love Himself.

Why I care about diversity


Growing up as a biracial child, I often felt between two worlds. I know too well the longing to belong and the isolation that comes from not seeing yourself represented around you. However, books—especially poetry—at a young age offered me comfort and connection. Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Sonia Sanchez echoed in my head as I skipped off to school feeling less alone.

Thankfully, my Black family was consistent in teaching me and educating me on our culture and history, filling in the gaps of my subpar public school education, as well. I grew up knowing where I came from and that was important. 

Fast forward to me beginning to homeschool my own children, I was almost immediately struck by the homogeneous curriculum choices. I felt discouraged, but knew the vision I had—the question was how to fulfill that vision. Then I discovered Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and knew it was an answer. From that time on, I became committed to infusing our home education, using Ms. Mason’s philosophy, with diverse living books—books that both reflect our family heritage and invite us to learn and embrace other cultures, as well.