About us / Ally

Jamie Pasho

Jamie Pasho

My mission is to provide my four children a Charlotte Mason home education that is rich in the liberal arts without compromising diverse living stories. With a heart for the Great Commission and world studies, I started Around the World in Homeschool Days to share my ideas and help others incorporate diverse voices, art, music, cooking, and folklore into their homeschools.

Why I care about diversity


I grew up in an atmosphere of diversity in the DC area, meeting missionaries and hearing their stories through my Christian & Missionary Alliance church. While filling out a what-do-you-want-to-be-someday worksheet, I have a distinct memory of my young self asking, “How do you spell missionary?”

I caught the travel bug early…whenever they could, my first-generation immigrant parents brought us back to visit their homeland of Taiwan and on side trips to other countries. During my college years, I made friends from all over the world and had an amazing semester abroad, experiencing God’s worldwide church firsthand.

Charlotte Mason’s emphasis on the Holy Spirit as Guide speaks to my heart as I keep the Great Commission at the forefront of our homeschool. Raising biracial children, I am delighted to discover that there are many diverse books that did not exist a mere generation ago. I like to imagine that Charlotte Mason would approve of the variety of living books, resources, and experiences that are available to us today. I hope you join us on our story-filled journey through the countries of the world.